Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Earth Reel Awards Ceremony 2013

22 April, 2013: Students from all over Kolkata, from different schools, belonging to different sec􀀡ons of the society, were called upon to raise one voice, for the injus􀀡ce against our mother earth. The occasion was Earth  Day, the venue, iLEAD Ins􀀡tute and the organizers – iLEAD, Earth Day Network and Bichitra Pathshala.

The voices of the students were in the form of short films, expressing their own concern about the environment they live and breathe in everyday. The response was no less than phenomenal, as if this is what they always needed, to voice their inner self. With 20 par􀀡cipa􀀡ng schools and more than 100 film entries from Kolkata alone, the mind of the young men and women of tomorrow were bubbling, not just with the issue of environment at hand, but also the out of the box styles of expression.

The real results of the compe􀀡􀀡on were twofold. On one hand, the students explored their inner talent of film making and perhaps some realised their true calling, which might just pave their future. On the other hand, they were consciously concerned about the environment and the issues they face in real life, while also trying to find concrete ways to solve these. These young ci􀀡zens of India, who are poised to be the change from now itself, will certainly lead their genera􀀡on to a be􀀴er tomorrow.

The compe􀀡􀀡on was held in three categories – Juniors (Classes VI to VIII), Public Service Message and Seniors (Classes IX to XII). Out of a 100 odd entries, 20 were shortlisted for screening on Earth Day. A􀀼er every screening, the filmmakers had to give a presenta􀀡on on the issues touched and their experience of making the film. In these presenta􀀡ons, the students candidly shared all the hurdles they faced in making the films and how they overcame these problems.
A detailed report of the Earth Reel Awards is available below.

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