Excellence in
teaching learning design using technology
programme (November 7, 2014 at BITM)
Subha Das Mollick, Fr. Gaston Roberge, E. Islam(L to R) |
“New technology is common, new thinking is rare”
-Sir Peter Blake.
Today technology has become an inescapable part of
our existence – an intelligent limb or a palm sized electronic alter ego. It
has cast a spell on all aspects of our life – including the teaching learning
environment. Technology is empowering as well as disabling.
On one hand, all the information of the world is on
our fingertips. On the other hand, we have to struggle hard in the classroom to
grab the attention of our students addicted to Face Book and WhatsApp. Using
technology appropriately and tapping the right resources from the Internet, we
can take the classroom experience of our students to a new level. At the same
time, it is a challenge to us to kindle original thinking and analytical
ability in a generation that is networked 24X7.
“Learning with Moving Images” is a
collaborative effort of Bichitra Pathshala and Birla Industrial &;
Technological Museum to help teachers achieve excellence in teaching learning
design using technology. Through this initiative we aspire to indentify and
reward some of the exemplary teaching learning designs created with appropriate
use of technology and also inspire teachers to improve the learning curves of
their students through creative use of technology.
The orientation programme for
Learning with Moving Images took place on the 7th of November at the Birla Industrial & Technological
Museum. Almost a 100 teachers from 22 schools and 3 teachers’ training colleges
participated enthusiastically in the programme that stretched from 10.30 am to
5.30 pm.
In his welcome address to the creators of the future
citizens of nation, Mr. E Islam, Director of BITM said that the next best thing
to learning by doing is learning by virtual doing – and the creative teacher can initiate that in the classroom for topics ranging from skywatch to change
of seasons to language lab to building construction.
Fr. Gaston Roberge,
President of Bichitra Pathshala and widely recognized as the father of Film and
Media Studies in India, welcomed the gathering with a bouquet of virtual
flowers. He recited a poem “The New Media Flower” from his book The Media
Dancer and said that it is wrong to say “Technology is changing the world”.
Actually we are changing the world through use of technology.
the brief welcome addresses, the keynote address was given by Dr. Chhanda Ray,
Director of SCERT. Dr. Ray, a PhD in Computer Science & Engineering, joined
SCERT as the Director two years back and has started taking initiatives in
integrating pedagogy with technology in the school education system in West
Bengal. Prior to joining SCERT she was in active teaching and research in
Computer Science & Engineering and she has more
than 30 publications in national and international
journals to her credit. Dr. Ray has now turned her attention to educational
technology research and we can soon expect from her an insightful paper on the
Ray outlined some of the steps taken by the West Bengal Govt. to promote
technology enabled learning in the schools of West Bengal.
Technical session 1: BITM’s initiatives
towards technology enabled learning
In the first technical
session of the day, BITM Education Officer Tushar Sengupta spoke about the
workshops they had conducted with Govt. school teachers to initiate them into
use of computers of designing lesson plans. Many of the teachers in the
workshops had never touched a ‘mouse’ before and it was a challenge to help
them overcome their fear of technology. However, the rewards were rich and
varied. Teachers designed lesson plans on chosen topics and they freely
navigated beyond the text books in sourcing material from the internet. Care
was taken to restrict all activities to MS Office so that the teachers would
not face difficulty in implementing the methods in their respective schools.
After Mr. Tushar Sengupta’s
talk, a group of teachers from Konnagar Hindu Girls’ High School, who had participated
in the BITM workshop, demonstrated lesson plans in Physics, Chemistry, History
and Bengali using PPT. Their lesson plans, created in Bengali for students of
class VI to VIII, were scintillated with animated cartoon figures, ‘do in
yourself’ quiz and clippings of videos.
The teachers shared how the
students eagerly look forward to these classes where the specially designed TLM
are used. The school AV room has to be booked for conducting these classes. The
teachers confided that the enthusiastic response from the students was a reward
for the trouble taken for designing the TLM.
Roshni Ghosh, Debashish Mandal and Partha Bandhopadhyay (L to R) |
Technical session 2: Teaching the Holocaust
using an interactive website
Vaijayanthi Bose |
next technical session was conducted by Mrs. Vaijayanti Bose, a History teacher
from G.D Birla Centre for Education. She demonstrated how a BBC website could
be accessed in class to enrich a lesson on the Holocaust for the students of
Class XII. The interactive website shows how a neutral space gets gradually
converted into a concentration camp and a zone for torture and denial of human
rights. More importantly, the website shows the German corporates exploiting
the labour of these Jews in manufacturing products, thus putting the German
economy on firmer foundation at the cost of Jewish labour
session 3:
lesson plans relevant to grassroots
Rathnadeep De |
The last technical session before lunch was taken by
Rathnadeep De, Director of Ahead Initiatives.
Ahead Initiatives conducts educational programmes with rural children of
North Bengal. They focus on activities outside the school curriculum, but
directly linked to the everyday life experience of the children. Bichitra
Pathshala had designed a module for Ahead Initiatives on good eating habits.
Rathnadeep De played this module called Bhalo Khao Bhalo Thako to show
how a copyright free American material available on the internet can be
appropriated for local use and made relevant in the local context.
Rathnadeep De also demonstrated
how they had made a documentary film on the education initiatives of
Rabindranath Tagore by stringing together available material from the internet.
Finally he offered all the audio visual material curated by his organization
over the years to the teachers for developing their lesson plans.
session 4 and 5:
resources on the internet & Cinema in the classroom
The first session after lunch
was conducted by Subha Das Mollick. This was a dual session where she first
gave a glimpse of the diverse material available on the Net and how these can
be used to enrich the classroom experience of the students. For example, sound
of a rain forest can be played in the class to speak of bio diversity or to do
visualization exercises with the students. Similarly a time lapse video on
germination of two seeds can be used in botany classes or process writing
classes or even poetry writing classes. Data from the website of the Census
Board of India is something that we rarely use. But this is absolutely
authentic data that can be used in Statistics, Economics or Sociology classes.
Thus, the internet is teeming with images, video, sound, music, text speeches,
demos and much more. It is left to the teacher as to what she downloads and how
she uses them.
Subha Das Mollick interacting with teachers |
In the subsequent session
Subha Das Mollick spoke about the advantages of using cinema in the classroom.
Popular cinema is easily available, everybody easily connects to these films
and even a film that does not do well commercially is made with a lot of
effort. Thus it is advisable for a teacher to take a second look at these films
and identify portions that can be effectively used in the classroom.
As examples of effective
use of movie clippings, Prof. Partha Bandyopadhyay demonstrated how a clipping
from the Hindi film Swades can be used to teach a Physics lesson on
electricity. The teachers immediately pointed out that the same clipping can be
used to teach community work, resource mobilization and even dramatics.
Devika Kar showed a clipping from Lagaan and
demonstrated how this three minute clipping can be used in the class to
initiate discussion on so many issues on environment and bio diversity.
The wonderful thing about
technology is that it upgrades us from being passive consumers to active users.
Devika Kar played portions of
Ganga Jaminar Koto Kotha to show how even the grassroots children can be
made creative users of technology in a filmmaking workshop and how two groups
of children on two sides of the border can be brought together through skype.
session 6:
writing abilities using images
Roshni Ghosh, an English
teacher at Loreto Sealdah and a Fulbright scholar, showed us how she uses one set of creative
output of her students to trigger another set of creative endeavour. In an
English language class on “Time”, Roshni shows some photographs taken by her
students, that can be connected to the theme of time – the ravages of time on
the human body, the tyranny of time in our everyday life and the times in our
lives that we all look forward to. Then she asks her students to write
continuously for five minutes without putting down their pens. She thus uses
the 40 minutes of class time to trigger the students’ thinking process, to
exercise their writing skills and then review their work. Finally she shows a
small film on Durga Puja made by her students to enrich the students write ups.
Mini Joseph, another
Fulbright scholar and an English teacher
at St. Xavier’s School, demonstrated how she uses a short film on a father son
relationship to discuss ideas of growing up, parental care, responsibilities of
children and the generation gap.
Technical session 7:
Good practices for the internet
penultimate session of the day was on good practices we all must follow when we
tap resources from the internet. In this session, Debasish Mandal, Headmaster
of Dhulagari Adarsha Vidyalaya, made the audience aware of the various spyware
and malware hovering in cyberspace and how one can protect one’s data and
personal information from these predators. He also spoke about free and open
source software, copyleft and Creative Commons. Finally he demonstrated with a
wonderful video how one can make clippings from a long film, put the clippings
on a time line, add voice over or music and take export
session 8:
A glimpse
into the future
In the last session of the day, Rupali Sachdev, an English teacher at Mahadevi Birla World Academy gave a glimpse into the future of technology through Pranav Mistry’s Ted Talk. In this talk Pranav Mistry demonstrates how wearing a small gadget called Sixth Sense we can always be networked and use any surface as an interface with cyberspace. Before playing this TED Talk, Rupali drove home the gadget addiction of the present generation by asking the audience what is the first thing we do when we wake up. From those on the left side of 30, the answer was ‘I check my phone’. Then Rupali read out some revealing data from recent surveys that point to the all pervading nature of the malady. So the question that everybody was left with was, when Pranav Mistry’s gadget becomes a reality, how do teachers adapt to it, how do they redefine their roles in a 24X7 networked world.
Before the day’s session was
brought to a close, the guidelines for developing the lesson plans were
outlined by Subha Das Mollick and the announcements for submission deadlines
were made. The submission deadline for lesson plans is the first week of January.
Lesson plans may be submitted either by email or burnt in a CD. The
presentation of shortlisted lesson plans to the jury is January 31, 2015.
prepared by Subha Das Mollick
Design &
lay out: Shubham Paul
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